A Sacred Harmonic Energetics™ Masterclass

“It totally feels like I just stepped out of the Matrix.” — Amanda

Hi beautiful…

It’s my job (and my joy) to make sure that
you don’t ever, ever give up on Magic.

To keep you from turning your back on your relationship with Miracles
or from deciding that Manifestation doesn’t work for you, and heading back to the dry land of Linearity.

And so I need you to Know that there's something wrong
in typical Manifestation teachings — and it's making your Manifestation
feel MUCH harder than it's meant to.

That traditional Manifestation teachings
don’t actually teach us how to Walk with Miracles

In fact, typical Manifestation teachings are (on purpose) keeping you on the hamster wheel,
having you feel like you aren't getting it right,
and are actually creating more Scarcity in your Field.

Isn't that bananas? They're creating more Scarcity for you,
instead of helping you create the Abundance and Miracles you're wishing for. 🤯

Why would they do that?

Well, first, because it's GREAT for marketing.
And for getting us hooked on buying more and more and more from them.

Second, because — while they’re possibly well-intentioned — what they’re doing
is teaching us how to Manipulate and Control the Universe, the Quantum Realms and Creation.

And perhaps unbeknownst to them — this actually implants
our Unconscious Minds with the Thought-forms that keep us
addicted to the Machine, Limitation and Linearity.

(Which is both everything we’re trying to heal from, and the exact opposite of Magic.)

On top of that — two of the biggest Wounded Feminine and Wounded Masculine Energetics
are Manipulation and Control, respectively. Which is exactly what they’re teaching us how to do.

So they’re actually feeding us Wound, over and over and over again,
and getting us HOOKED on Wound, over and over again
— while they claim to teach us Freedom, Limitlessness and Magic.

That’s what’s being sold to us in typical Manifestation techniques.


When we’re practicing typical Manifestation practices
we’re actually (unconsciously) trying to Distort Creation and work against Nature / Life —

— so that means Creating and calling in what we Desire is going to,
1. feel harder,

2. create more Wounding in your life, relationships and experience,
(perhaps you’ve noticed how sideways things seem to keep going, and you aren’t sure why)

and 3. totally, utterly exhaust you to the point where you might even feel like giving up on your Dreams,
because what’s the point when it keeps not working anyway...

If you’re here, you likely feel there’s an important piece missing
in the ways Manifestation is being taught.

Whether that’s because something feels a bit "‘off’ about Law of Attraction (or the people who teach it),

or it feels like something is missing in your understanding or your practicing of it,

or maybe it feels like both?

Either way, you can feel that something doesn’t quite feel Aligned
about Manifestation — and you’ve been tempted to just
head back into a Linear, Practical, non-Magical relationship with Life

and just focus on ‘making things happen’ on your own.

But please please please don’t.

Because Magic and Miracles are real.


Having guided women all over the world in my Mystery Schools and courses — women of all walks of life, in all phases of their journey — there’s something I see time and time… and time… and time again in my clients

that iss one of the most sneaky, most insidious, most difficult things about the way Manifestation is typically taught out there in the Spiritual and Self-Improvement streets:

There IS something missing.
Something is very much not Aligned.
You’re spot on in what you’ve been sensing.

And what I’ve seen — is that what’s missing in those Manifestation teachings actually creates more Scarcity within us — unknowingly and unconsciously.

(If I were really jaded, I might think that’s so that we keep coming back to buy more and more of these teachings and programs. But truly, it could just be that there is SO much Conditioning, from thousands of years of Wounded Masculine Paradigm — that even they don’t know that they’re teaching Wound Practices.)

But what this does is — it makes it even harder for us to Manifest what we can FEEL in our Soul we’re meant to receive, and do, and have, and experience.

It’s like trying to bail out a sinking ship
but not realizing there’s a hole in it.

So inside The Antidote masterclass,
I’m going to give you the core, foundational.
Principles and shifts that will change your entire
relationship with Manifestation

putting the Power back in your hands,
and putting you in bestie-level step with the Miracle Realms

instead of having you (unknowingly) creating more Scarcity,
issues and Wounding — and working so hard to Manifest in the first place.

These are CORE teachings that make the difference between Manifestation work
that has you feeling Discouraged, Disappointed and Depleted

and Manifestation work that FILLS and supports you
— even while your Manifestations are still on their way in.

“This is why I always come back to you and this Work — this feels so Pure, and so Loving…

“I don’t feel like I have to ‘fix’ myself all the time in order to have the things I desire.”

“Nobody has ever talked about it this way before.

This makes SO much more sense.
My whole body just relaxed…”

Women often come to me with their brows furrowed, confused about the sheer MASS of Spiritual and Energetic teachings out there

(many of which seem to contradict themselves)

and feeling like they’re spinning in a chaotic swirl of all the mantras, vision boards, journal prompts, and pressure to be “high vibe” constantly.

✧ “Does any of this even work?”
✧ ”It seems like it USED to work — why did it stop? What am I getting wrong now?”
✧ "There's something that feels twisted and Shamey about Manifestation teachings...”
✧ "Is it ever going to get here? WHEN?”
✧ "What piece am I missing that’s making this not work???"
✧ "WHY does it seem to be working for THEM, but not me?"
✧ "Is there something fundamentally broken or wrong with me or how i'm doing this?"
✧ ”Maybe this just isn’t meant for me.”

These are the kinds of experiences, Emotional loops, and Thought-forms that traditional Manifesting actually CREATES within us.



Isn’t that messed up?
Most Manifestation work
totally undermining what we’re trying to do.

Inside The Antidote you will..…

✧ It’s a game changer — when you understand the toxic side-effects of Mainstream Manifestation teachings:
You’ll discover how typical Manifestation teachings are secretly (and seriously) implanting Limiting Beliefs and a mindset of Scarcity into your Subconscious.
And in this space, you’ll learn how to avoid these damaging teachings to create a mindset Aligned with true Abundance, and remove these invisible Limiters.

✧ Uncover Your Hidden Thought Traps:
We’ll explore the Unconscious Thought-forms that hold us back from Manifesting our true Desires. Because by identifying these, you’ll have the Clarity needed to eliminate them, and you clear the path for your greatest Desires to Manifest.

✧ Break Free of the Manifestation Hamster Wheel:
Ever wonder why the Manifestation industry seems so addictive, and is SO GOOD at keeping you coming back for more, more, more — without ever delivering long-term solutions? In Sacred Manifestation, we break that toxic cycle so we can create more sustainable, meaningful and REPEATABLE Expansion.

✧ Sacred Manifestation is about your Sacred Destiny:
Manifestation isn’t what you think it is. In this space, you’ll get to the root of the deeply ingrained (and very unconscious) Patterns that keep you from calling in your Dream life and following your Soul Calling. By seeing and transforming these Toxic Thought-forms, you’ll be paving the way for fulfilling your most profound Desires — the ones that come from your Soul.

✧ Unlock the Mindset Shifts that lead to (actual) Magic:
You’ll learn the healing Thought-forms that act as the Antidote to the Limiting Beliefs you're unintentionally, unknowingly living into. These new Thought-forms allow you to tap into an Energy that’s Magnetic, Receptive, and in sync with the Realm of Miracles.

✧ The Art of Sacred Manifestation:
Move beyond the damaging mainstream teachings of typical Manifestation — and embrace the powerful art of Co-Ereating with the Universe, Nature, and your own Soul. This Sacred approach to Manifesting connects you with Quantum Energetics and the Abundant nature of Life, making your Manifesting journey feel like the ease and breeze you've always wanted it to.

You Know there's gonna be something that pops the bubble for you... You can feel it.

And it's gonna feel like a sigh of Relief
— it is NOT going to feel like more WORK, more efforting, more Doing...

It’s exactly these Principles inside of The Antidote
that give me — and my clients — BOTH the ‘pop’ and the sigh of Relief…

This has been a game-changer for me.

When I bump up against my own ‘stuck places’ or when it “feels like it’s not working” — it is always, always, always when I’ve been forgetting to practice the Principles that I’m going to be sharing with you inside of The Antidote.

NOTHING ELSE shifts what feels like blocks that are in my way, heaviness that seems to ‘come out of nowhere,’ or those moments where it feels like I’m wading through molasses and I can’t figure out how to make things move again.

Until I have this piece.
Until I come back to these Principles and these Thought-forms again.

And then that vice-grip that feels like it's been on my Energy, suffocating on my Inspiration, and dimming my Magnetism — finally releases...

It’s then when I feel back in the Center of my Power,
a glowing humming swirling vortex of Vitality — and it’s then
when Miracles start showing up everywhere around me, for me and through me.

No longer feeling like I'm trying so hard to “make things happen,”
forcing things, trying to pull, trying to “figure out how,” looking everywhere for the “right strategy” all the time.

I want to help you remove walls that feel like they’re closing in,

and OPEN you back up to the Dream that feels like it’s eluding you...

This is exactly the Work I’ve been doing with clients — for the past 7 years — and what I practice myself that has allowed me to Create a beautiful life, a thriving business, a loving relationship, and utter Bounty in every facet of my experience — in ways you might not expect…

I have a beautiful, successful business that I ‘run’ solely through Soul Guidance, Wonder, Ease and absolute Delight — without a business plan, or even a ‘launch plan’ for my offerings;

I have a Meditation / morning practice that’s sometimes 2+ hours long, I take a week off every 4th week, and I still don’t have an online business manager;

✧ I’ve grown a Sacred, seven-figure business without hustle, burnout, or ‘trying too hard’ — and when I’ve spent long stretches of time being super, super Internal and not feeling called to show up online;

✧ I met my partner of 10 years in a way I could never have foreseen, orchestrated or even imagined on my own — and it never would’ve happened if I’d been fixated on it happening a certain way;

✧ And (this is so important) I don’t do any kind of fixation on ‘numbers’ or goals or specific outcomes that — if you’re like me — cause way more stress, pressure and constriction in your body than I’m meant to feel.

Does it always go how I want it to go?

Oh, absolutely not.
And it’s not supposed to.
That’s kind of the point.

Sacred Manifestation is a Devotional conversation with the Unseen Realms
(within us and around us) that allows for the Creation of Miracles.

And it asks us to let go of the stranglehold on “outcome”
so that true Magic can be found.

It’s a relationship with Miracle
that comes from a shift in
Thought-forms and “the Energy Underneath”.

I’d love to share it with you.

What women are saying..…

If you're thinking about it AT ALL,
I definitely recommend investing in this Work.

Calls with Heather always felt like an energetic and emotional restorative yoga class
— my whole spirit and body would just be at peace. 

I would be so stressed, I wouldn't know how I was gonna pay my bills, or whatever it was,
and by the end of our call I would be so relaxed, so well-rested energetically, so out of my own way,
and then it was like all the support that I needed would just start to come in.


It was miraculous,
it was the craziest experience. 

This journey is totally worth it.
There is a huge ROI.”

Ashley Cox

My entire life has changed for the better.

Miracles are happening and I’m not even having to ‘do’ anything.

What’s taught in the Masculine Paradigm just will. not. work for me — when I was trying it, nothing was moving or changing for me in the ways I was hoping it would.

This work was mystical and miraculous at the same time.
My brain still can’t quite figure out what exactly happened but I know that Heather was the instrument of the Divine healing that took place..

I am forever grateful
for making this investment in myself

and am amazed at how this inner work is now impacting every aspect of my life including my health, my friendships, my family dynamics, and the organic growth of my business.”

— Erin Alexander

“I publicly launched my coaching business 2.5 weeks ago, and it's just been FLOWING.

I already have 2 paid clients in 3 month coaching containers, and 10 people have reached out to me asking for clarity calls
— and all I've been doing is posting on social media...
I don't even have my website up yet.

I've also met a man!

And I just feel so calm, and this all feels so easy.

Holy shit all of the things I've been trying
to manifest for YEARS are just here,
all at once, and it feels so fucking good.