Ease. Embodiment. Expansion. Enchantment.



The Mystery School for
Feminine Receivership & Expansion through Ease.

You’re ready to Open wiiiiide into something more beautiful.

Your Reality is ready to shift. Expand. Bloom.

You’re ready for your Soft-Savoring-Sensual Era.

You’re standing on the precipice between your Old Reality – and the New Reality that’s Calling you.
You can feel the whisper — or maybe it’s the bone-deep Banshee cry —
asking you to Remember something that has been long-forgotten — but is ready to Awaken within you.

You are standing in this pivotal moment right now,
the Edge of “the place you’ve been before” - and riiiight before your New Reality,
which is perhaps e exactly what brought you to this page.

But you Know you want it to feel Easier than it’s been.
You want the new version of Expansion — one that feels softer on your Nervous System.

You want to simply Open and Deepen
and Receive the Sacred More,
in a way that Nurtures, Nourishes
and cares for every single part of you.

And if you’ve arrived at this place?
At this crossroads between What Has Been
and what’s Calling you somewhere bigger, deeper, brighter, lighter, and more beautiful?

You Know it — in your soft Animal Body. That it can be no other way.

You Know it because the subtle Messages, the visceral sensations and the Intuitive nudges have started to get louder, and you can’t really explain how you Know there’s something More Calling you — you just DO.

You’ve started feeling more and more uneasy with the options you’ve been shown:
staying where you are and settling — OR doing things the way the status quo tells you you’re ‘supposed to’;
staying in the Patterns and the shapes of your current experience and your current Self — OR forcing yourself, contorting yourself, abandoning yourself to “GET” somewhere better.

No. You’re not satisfied with those options.
You’re ready to Open into Receivership in a brand new way...
It’s time for a Magical, gentle, aligned & Sacred version of MORE.

You can feel yourself Desiring something different that hasn’t fully developed in Manifest form... YET.
But you can almost taste it, it feels so True to who you’re meant to Be.

You’ve found yourself navigating the Spiral of change & actively moving through what feels
like you’re swimming in a sea of Ego Deaths, Initiations & the Unknown.

You’ve found that the ‘How’ hasn’t become clear yet — there seem to be a lot of questions
but the Calling you feel is undeniable…
and what you ARE certain of, is that it can no longer be ignored.

It feels like your life is asking you to Trust in something Big.
In something you’re not going to get to have Control over...

And that feels edgy, and wobbly, and like you’re not sure how to let go of what’s been here before.

But you also Know that the old way — the way where you just keep gripping for Control,
where you keep trying to ‘make it work’ the way it is,
where you feel the Calling but keep doing things the way you have been —

— is lifeless, dry, and no longer working for you.

So you Know it’s your time
to let yourself Open wider,
to soften the grip that’s not letting you Receive,

to follow that Sacred voice that’s Calling you
into something you can FEEL is going to be
far more Beautiful, far more Aligned, far more YOU...

If you're thinking about it AT ALL,
I definitely recommend investing in this Work.

Calls with Heather always felt like an energetic and emotional restorative yoga class
— my whole spirit and body would just be at peace. 

I would be so stressed, I wouldn't know how I was gonna pay my bills, or whatever it was,
and by the end of our call I would be so relaxed, so well-rested energetically, so out of my own way,
and then it was like all the support that I needed would just start to come in.


It was miraculous,
it was the craziest experience. 

This journey is totally worth it.
There is a huge ROI.”

Ashley Cox

It’s time to Transform + Transcend
+ Touch into somtehing Magical

It’s time to meet the new version of yourself
that is so deeply held in Magic, Beauty and Love. 

It’s time to leave the sharp edges, the hard lines,
and the confines of a way of life that, frankly, is starving you to death.

It’s time to come into a new relationship with your Dreams,
with what you’ve been sensing is Calling you,
and with your willingness to prioritize them.

It’s time to walk away from the Suffering & Struggle that is holding you
in Patterns you’re not meant to be in & places that you no longer want to be. 

It’s time to hold yourself in a beautiful Light & honor the Sacred Power within you
by Remembering who you really came here to be.

It’s time to choose Abundance in its wholeness & bask in the kind of life
that is utterly rich in all things Love, Beauty, Depth and Miracle. 

This isn’t hyperbole, my love.

This is the promise of the Sacred Feminine.

If you’ve landed here, you are likely being deeply Called by the Sacred Feminine,
She is tapping you on the shoulder, begging you to hear Her,

and what She’s asking you to Return to — is a direct Path to Embody
the kind of Ease, Pleasure & Soul Alignment that you were literally built for. 



Solaria is the Sacred space
a Temple circle,
where you will come to feel held & loved,

and where you’ll finally get to experience
Relief, Release & the Remembrance
of all you’re meant for. 

This healing journey (and I) will wrap you in our arms, and lovingly set you down
into softening, Sovereignty, and a deeper connection with your Body, Soul & Spirit. 

It’s here where you will get to relax fully into the Magic and Beauty
of your natural Essence, the hum of your own Power, and the Heart-opening Path
you’ve always felt calling you.

This is a rich space of Depth and Devotion.
It is the sigh of Relief you’ve been wishing for.

Are you feeling the Call into these beautiful Waters, but want to wade in a little lighter?
Join us in Splendour — the lighter version of Solaria.

A H.E.R. Mystery School journey

Many women along their Path will resist this shift in their Inner Being and this Call into their Remembrance. 

Not because they aren’t ‘ready’ for it –
— but because there is no one there to lead them safely and lovingly through the Unknowns of Remembering what this world has conditioned them to Forget.

Inside H.E.R., you’ll be guided back to the fullness your Truth & your Essence, to the depth of your Wisdom + the vastness of what’s Possible for you.

And do you know what the most beautiful part of it is? 

This entire journey gets to be
incredibly beautiful & effortless for you.

In this journey, you will be Expanded with Ease,
Deepened through beautiful, nourishing Practices,
Awakened through loving reconnection + immersion;

you’ll be given practical, real-world applications and tools
to take into every part of your life,
specific, tailored reflections for your personal experience and Expansion,

and intimate, loving support from me
ALL at the level and depth of your Choosing. 

You will be asked to “Do” nothing
but drink from these Waters as deeply as you can
and practice the Sacred Art of Receiving.

You will only be asked to let yourself be Curious, Devoted to wading in,
and to keep your Heart as wide Open as you can.

It is my role to guide you towards the Awakening
of what you Know is real, true, Beautiful and Magical within you.

And it all gets to feel delicious,
every step of the way.

Through my body of Work, you will return to the natural Magnificence,
Magic and Magnetism of your Sacred Feminine self,

and you’ll learn to effortlessly Embody what it is to be the Divine power of YOU.



“You have helped me loosen
the grip of things that have been
holding me back for years.

I didn't think a shift like this
could be so smooth.

You opened up this entire Field of Possibility for me which is so beautiful.
I just let myself roll around in it, and it all just started making sense.


There's something beautiful that sparked in me — and then boom,
there's this blissful sensation of Ease.
I'm basking in it and I can feel there’s even bigger bliss coming. 

If this is a drop of what Golden Goddess will be,
then I can't wait to dive into the ocean!”

— Cassie

Solaria means “places of sunlight. “

And that’s what we find you here.
All of the places of sunlight that want to be found
in your life, your Love, your business, and your Spiritual journey.

This is the journey where the clouds part and you are bathed
in Clarity, Beauty, bright joy, and the sparkle of Wonder.

This is where the looping ends, the confusion clears,
the Patterns you can’t seem to shift dissolve, effortlessly

because you come home to the Wisdom and the Knowing
that has always lived within you.

Here’s how we tap you into the Depth,
Magic and Remembrance your Soul has been craving…

Rich Content

A monthly module teaching Quantum Feminine Expansion Principles + Embodiment Practices to create greater Expansion and Ease in every part of your life.

BONUS: Access to 3 of my top Mini Courses (one to support you in Love, one to support you in Biz, and one to support your clear Intuition); a new segment unlocks each month throughout the year. 2 more Mini Courses unlock for you in Year 2.

BONUS: Access to 3 of my most popular beautiful Masterclasses / Classes: Enamored, Shamanic Journey for the Earth, and CLEAR: Energetic Hygiene Practice.

BONUS: Access to SOURCED — a rich and ever-growing ‘toolbox’ of Resources, Practices, Tools and ‘Remedies’ to dive into any time you feel called, to support the Depths of your Expansion and your Healing.

2 Trainings each month based on questions and requests from the community any topic — Love, Business, Spirituality, Personal Power — bring it all.

Journal prompts to deepen in with for Clarity and Wisdom throughout the month.

Deep Support

An intimate LIVE monthly Solaria Call with me for deep guidance, high-level coaching and reflections, and the most intimate support.

A second LIVE monthly H.E.R. Mastermind Call for more personal support and coaching with me.

(Monthly Call days and times are chosen to support multiple lifestyles and time zones)

A private Facebook group for support between calls, and to workshop anything you’d like to.

Two (2) private 1:1 Voxer Sessions with me, for use any time during the year-long journey.

A Voxer community for sisterhood and connection (and special pop-up surprises from me).

Experiential Wisdom

A monthly, immersive Sacred Feminine practice, guided meditation or Somatic Embodiment practice to go Deeper and Devoted to the Self and the Sacred, to tap you into the Ease-filled Feminine within, and to align you — viscerally and cellularly — with Miracle.

Shamanic Journeying on every Solaria Call for direct revelation, deep Wisdom, Soul + Power Retrieval, profound healing, powerful Activation, and Guidance.


$$$ credit at the end of the year:
Receive $1000 toward Golden Goddess OR $600 toward Lineage + Legacy. OR stay inside of Solaria at a special no-brainer ‘alumni’ rate.

Special gifts and access exclusive to Solaria level members only.

$222/month or $2222 for the year
(One year commitment)

Limited spaces available inside of Solaria.
More seats are offered occasionally, and they are offered first to those inside of other
H.E.R. levels.

If Solaria is full right now — or if it would just feel delicious to start with a lighter level — come join us inside Splendour (the lighter version of Solaria) or Sanctuary (the membership) to begin. Women already inside one of these other Tiers will have first-dibs to move into Solaria any time there is a seat open.

All three of these Sacred ways offers you a different level of Depth, Devotion, Support & Magic. They each vary in degree of energetic, emotional, and financial investment.

Simply Choose to walk through the Portal that is most Aligned with your Heart, your Highest Self, your Soul Callings
and the fulfillment of your deepest Desires. The deeper you dive, the more Magic we get to find for you.

Every one of us is designed to Receive and Create something beautiful,
to experience something utterly Magical,
to walk with something that wants to Guide our steps and support our Desires.

And this is where you come to immerse yourself in the Waters of the Sacred Feminine
and Remember HOW.

Here you’ll bathe in Her Ancient Wisdom & relax into a new way of Being,
and access Channels that open Portals you’ve only been able to imagine (so far)…

I want every single one of you to be able to Choose what She is waiting to show you.

Feel into how She is Calling you….…

✧ Do you feel the deep Feminine Mysteries calling you?

Can you feel the Quickening of your Desire to Move, to Receive, and to Open to More? 

✧ Are you Desiring to be held, supported, and guided so that the journey gets to be
far Easier and infinitely more Magical than it has been?

Do you Know you’re finally open to experiencing Transformation, Shift and Repatterning of old Patterns
so you can Create the life you can feel you’re designed for?

✧ Is it TIME for deeper Presence and greater Devotion
to something far more Sacred, to what you Know you’re here for, and to Who you came here to be?

Are you ready and Willing to enter into a new, Embodied and Ease-filled Way of Being and way of seeing?

✧ Are you beyond ready for this to be your Season of Magic,
your Season of Beauty, and for rising Higher than you could imagine?

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions

— there are only the Truths whispering in your Heart,
the Resonance of something more beautiful Calling you,
and an honest checking-in with how deeply you Desire to Immerse into all that the Feminine holds for you,
and what you sense She’s asking you to Remember.

When you let yourself Enter into these beautiful, Ease-filled Feminine Mysteries
— you will Receive regular drips of Wisdom, the nourishing nectar of deep, Feminine Practice,
and a profound experience of Beauty through a whole New Paradigm
that’s just waiting to open its doors to you…

…and all you are asked to do, is to Devote yourself to your Calling,
to what your Heart is telling you is meant for you,

to Open as widely as you can let yourself,
allow the Nectar to reach you,
and let the Waters to pour into you, as deeply as you can.


Are you feeling the Call into these beautiful Waters, but want to wade in a little lighter?
Join us in Splendour — the lighter version of Solaria.

My entire life has changed for the better.

Miracles are happening and I’m not even having to ‘do’ anything.

What’s taught in the Masculine Paradigm just will. not. work for me — when I was trying it, nothing was moving or changing for me in the ways I was hoping it would.

This work was mystical and miraculous at the same time.
My brain still can’t quite figure out what exactly happened but I know that Heather was the instrument of the Divine healing that took place..

I am forever grateful
for making this investment in myself

and am amazed at how this inner work is now impacting every aspect of my life including my health, my friendships, my family dynamics, and the organic growth of my business.”

— Erin Alexander

I felt Called to something so much bigger than I’d been able to create…

I wondered if I had taken a wrong turn, or missed a signpost, or just wasn’t ‘getting’ something
because I could feel – in my bones – that I was meant for something exquisite…
…but it just wasn’t showing up yet.

I questioned my Purpose, I kept wondering what I was getting wrong…

When would the right Love find me? When would feel lit-up by the work I do?
When would everything just stop feeling… “almost”?

Almost happy, almost right, almost aligned. ALMOST.

It felt like there was something just on the other side of a Veil I couldn’t see
– and definitely didn’t know how to move out of the way.

It was infuriating.

But what I KNEW
beyond the feelings of Limitation I was experiencing

was that I CAME HERE for something More.
And I wasn’t going to settle for ‘almost.’

I’ve been where you are, beautiful.

And so I let Her call me
into the deep Waters of Her Mysteries

without needing to understand why, or how, or what it meant,
or what I was stepping into… I didn’t even Know what the Feminine even was.

But I let Her call me in.
I let Her show me the Mythic Truths under everything I’d been craving.
And what I found here has changed literally everything.

✧ I found a softening of the hard Edges, rigid Walls and sharp Armor this world had conditioned me into
that were keeping out the things I actually wanted to call in

✧ I found the deep, unshakeable well of my own Power,
the place where I’m able to source my Fullness, Wholeness and Magic — no matter what

✧ I found Opening through old Wounds, old Cycles, old Patterns that had kept me chained into
painful loops in relationships, in jobs, in feeling like there was something really important missing

and I immersed into a new Way of Being and seeing the world
that unlocked an entire Universe of Wonder, of Miracles, of profound Alignment, and of Beauty.

I found my Purpose and my Soul Work.
I found Love that finally felt like I could LET GO and stop holding my breath.
I found a direct, life-changing Connection with my Soul
and, through Her, a DEEP Knowing of my Alignment and the right Path for me.

I dove in DEEP.
And it was through my all-in Immersion
into the Sacred Feminine
and letting Her Open me in ways I couldn’t have seen coming

when I had a profound Spiritual Awakening
and my life has never been the same since.

My entire life became the melody sung by my Soul,
each note a Harmony more beautiful and Magical than the last,
every chord played through me bringing me deeper into Elation, Purpose and Beauty.

This is the Sacred Journey for Returning to everything you were built to Receive and Create
as a Sacred Vessel of the Feminine.

This is the offering to those women just like me - the ones who won’t settle for “almost,”
and who Know that their More is Meaningful, Magical and woven with Miracle.

And this is where you come in, beautiful. 

You are:

  • Ready to feel the warmth of Soul and Spirit wrapped around you,
    and to have Magic coming alive within, through and around you — every single day.
    Not just when you’re able to ‘make time for it.’

  • Ready to stop hiding your Essence and your Truth, contorting the bright Light you are,
    and ready to let yourself dance in the Magnetic embodiment of Who You Really Are.

  • Ready to Create your beautiful Reality — and not from a place of Scarcity or Need, Comparison or Unworthiness, but from a place of Curiosity, Fullness, Power, Possibility and deep Soul Alignment .

  • Ready to immerse into a profoundly Loving space where you feel held + seen + embraced in your entirety — you want Depth, Intimacy and meaningful Connection… no more spaces where you’re ‘just a number’ and are doing it all alone.

  • Ready to let ALL of you, every ounce of you, be poured into with the Remembrance and Wisdom of everything you’ve always been meant to have — and the beautiful, Ease-filled Sacred Feminine Ways of letting them come to you.

Solaria is an invitation to immerse yourself into delicious, Ease-filled Feminine Expansion and Embodiment
with practices, sisters, Ceremony & deep, Reality-shifting conversations that will walk you through the Veil
and into a Reality where your Dreams and Desires come alive.

It is a Temple space
of deep Sacred Waters to immerse into

and emerge into a new Way of Being
and the Embodiment of your Magical, Mythical MORE.

Are you feeling the Call into these beautiful Waters, but want to wade in a little lighter?
Join us in Splendour — the lighter version of Solaria.


so Magical!

I’ve had mindblowing + “too good to be true” things Manifest into my experience within weeks after our Activations,”

Lacy Mink

Wondering if Solaria is
the journey for you?

Let’s feel into it a little deeper…..

You Know there’s supposed to be so. much. More. to this entire existence — you can feel it in your bones. But you haven’t been sure where to really find it, access it, experience it…

who you can Trust to take you there with Kindness, Love, and Beauty
and without sacrificing or losing yourself.

You’re ready to explore deeper Meaning in your life and relationships,
even in your Work — but you’re overwhelmed or feeling Limited by the way things currently are.

✦ You have some kind of a Spiritual or self-nourishment practice,
but you’re wanting to take it Deeper, next-level + beyond just surface explorations.
You want the MAGIC.

You’re curious about mentorship + Spiritual leadership to move on your Path
with support, Ease-filled transformation + connection with other women on a similar journey.

You feel the pull to explore more of your true Expression + you’re ready to really learn more about your deepest Self, and the Invisible blocks holding you back from being toe-curlingly fulfilled.

✦ You’ve been questioning certain elements and situations in your life,
but you haven’t been sure of how to move Beyond what you know
— and into a new Way of Being  that is far more YOU.

You’ve touched Magic, you’ve tasted it
— but you’re ready to BECOME it.

You desire to actually LIVE in the Frequency of Wealth, Pleasure, Purity, Beauty and Miracles.

✦ You have been seeking a circle of Wise Women and Sacred Sisters who get you, who understand the Depths you desire to live into, who can have the True and Heart-centered conversations you ache for.

You feel like something important is Missing from your life, from your experience, from your Path — you can feel it ‘just right there,’ waiting to be Remembered — and you’re no longer willing to let time keep slipping by without finding it.

Solaria is the journey I wish I had had
when I was being Called deeper into
the Feminine and her Gifts.

Here’s why:

Depth, Beauty and Sacred Waters:

Here you will have a personally-guided Walk into the Feminine Path of Depth, Beauty & Miracles, where you will tap into your own, direct access to Feminine Wisdom. Not regurgitate someone else’s version.

You will have an Intimate year of mentorship, continuous and wide-open access to guidance, and loving, personal support in your corner — to walk you gently and powerfully into the life of your dreams. So much Beauty and Magic can happen in one year.

You will touch directly into the most profound depth of Healing, Guidance, Soul Retrieval and Wisdom through monthly Shamanic Journeying, Quantum Feminine Expansion teachings, and deep, delicious Somatic and Energetic Practices.

You will have a rich circle of Sacred sisterhood, close community, and intimate connection — and you’ll gain incredibly deep insights and learnings through conversations had with your sisters.

You will come into a depth of Devotion that will change your life, open you into a Reality ripe with Magic, and have you walking arm-in-arm with the Universe in a way you can’t unknow — and would never want to.

You're no longer willing to settle for less than the “Deepest and most Magical” for you, your business and your life — and you're ready to claim it, ready to show yourself you mean it, in the most Ease-filled and delicious way possible.

Want this deeply, but Solaria is full?
Or just want to start a little lighter?

Join Splendour, the lighter version of Solaria:

For a deep Connection + conversation that will immerse you into new Beliefs, Thoughts, Patterns + levels of Possibility… without so much ‘efforting.’

✦ For a profound understanding of the Invisible Realms, the Quantum Realms, and the Realms where your Dreams come true.

For personal touch points, transformational Embodiment Practices, Subconscious reprogramming + enriching Spirituality.

For a whimsical and yet grounded journey into Ease-filled Expansion, pure Abundance mindset, and an elated relationship with life that will have you Rising up the Spiral — just through a new Way of Being…

You’re Devoted, but you want a sweet blend of personal support + self-study.

>>> Join us in Splendour here.

What women are saying...

"So blessed to be doing this work.


I love that I get one thing to focus on each month,
so I can profoundly change that one limiting belief, programming, habit.

It’s in everything I do for the whole month.
And as the new month comes, with a new Activation,
the practice from last month is already a part of me,
my Energy Field is re-woven.

I feel so blessed to have a whole year of working with this Goddess again after journeying through Golden Goddess!”

— Helene Wesslund

“When I came into H.E.R. my goal was to find a place
where I could tap back into my femininity without judgement.
I was seeking the opportunity to hold my sacredness authentically.


I wanted more flow in my business that was based
on the femininity I often don’t embody.

I constantly found myself feeling overwhelmed in every area of my life.

The constant constriction was suffocating.
I felt I was breathing helplessly under water.

I desperately was seeking an encounter with something or someone who could hold space for me the way I hold space for others.

And I wanted rapid expansion.
Whew! I received so much more.

Heather and H.E.R. has the ability to meet you
where you want to be, AND where you are.


H.E.R. has changed how I move, how I flow, how I love,
and how I create the life which will be mine.

This work is about moving you into the full embodiment of who you are. It’s about feeling at home in your creations, in your gifts and in your self.

H.E.R. makes this available for you!”

— Dana Marie

"There’s an energy in here different from what I experience in other masterminds and group containers.

I often pick up a "get" energy in other spaces, and I don't feel that here.


I’ve had things Manifest into my experience within weeks after our Activations,

including a big opportunity that's mindblowing
and feels too good to be true.

And I've been so impressed with how I'm able to handle even the challenging times now, and it’s so much easier for me to keep 'moving up the Spiral.'

I'm practicing everything I'm learning in H.E.R. to keep experiencing the magic that's been happening.

I'm buzzing with the energy of all of this.
Thank you for bringing this fire!!"

— Lacy Mink


The activations seems simple on the surface,
but go SO deep into you!

They spark something that wants to be uncovered, and they connect you with a full body knowing
— things that the mind alone can't comprehend.

Each month is a new layer to peer into, to absorb,
to sit in contemplation with.

These simple, yet potent tools Heather shares
are wisdom for a lifetime.

And the community is supportive and honoring to where each of us is at.

This journey has unfolded in a way I couldn’t have expected!

If you are new to Heather's work, I highly recommend jumping into one of these journeys to get a taste, an appetizer,
as it most certainly will leave you wanting more!”

— Janine Swallow

“This work feels like home.

Being in a container with like-minded women with a space dedicated to deepening into our highest and truest selves has been invaluable.

Joining this community was so soothing to my Soul.
I feel supported, encouraged, and reconnected to my truth.

Even if you’re not someone who has ever deepened into the Mystery or the “Unseen” yourself,
participating in this work will bring you to a place that feels like
home, and will awaken something in you that has been asleep for far too long.

I’m so thankful for Heather and her teaching of
these truths that this world needs more of.”

— Natalie Izzi


The biggest change for me has been in how I feel. How I process.
How I approach things. From overthinking to exploring.
From getting lost to experiencing. And receiving… everything.

I used to constantly find myself wondering who could help me change all these thought-patterns I knew were unhealthy.

And Heather did - she awakened the power within me, she helped me remember. And it has been the most incredible, powerful, magnifying force.

Heather will change your life, your perspective, your heart and your mind - in ways that you might have never thought possible.

If you can work with her, jump
- don’t think. Just do it.

I’m so glad I did.”

— Lisa Stoney


All of Heather’s reflections are FIRE,
and I’ve received so much Medicine I didn’t even realize I needed.

I feel massively Expanded. ”


Getting to expand wider and deeper every month for a whole year felt like a relief. It felt like a deep breath.

It's like a portal has opened up to endless possibilities, and it's all for me."

— H.E.R. Client


And I owe so much of the practical spiritual skills I’ve learned to Heather.

If you are on the fence
and feeling called to dive in with her,
take it from me, DO IT.

You will not regret it.

Let yourself open up and trust the process,
trust the divine within you,
trust Heather’s sweet voice guiding you into
your own inner sanctuary where you have EVERYTHING you need…

…it’s truly life-changing.”

— Sarah S.

“Truly life-changing.

Do it. You won’t regret it.”


I literally had no idea what I was signing up for
and it was the best decision ever,
it created so much room for the feminine and for Spirit to move through me, and it’s like stars started aligning for me.
I could suddenly see the magic in everything.

Having the support and angelic guidance from Heather meant the world.
She channeled so clearly and helped me see and find my power in everything. Situations which I would normally play victim to and get stuck in soon turned into gifts and pure magic.


Heather was able to not only show us this new way by being a living transmission of it, she helped us all learn how to be the VESSELS for it.

She truly is such a gift of pure love from another realm!
Thank you thank you thank you!”

— Callie David


I’m so glad I’m on this journey,
healing and finding myself again,
and with so much support.
It means the world to me.”

— H.E.R. Client

“If you're thinking about it at ALL — I definitely recommend investing in this Work.

Calls with Heather always felt like an energetic and emotional restorative yoga class — my whole spirit and body would just be at peace. 

I would be so stressed, I wouldn't know how I was gonna pay my bills, or whatever it was, and by the end of our call I would be so relaxed, so well-rested energetically, so out of my own way, and then it was like all the support that I needed would just start to come in.


It was miraculous,
it was the craziest experience. 

And Heather is so soft and nurturing. 

She's a wonderful place to land, especially if you've got a lot going on, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders,
you're running your business, you're taking care of your kids, whatever it is that's going on in your life.

This journey is totally worth it.
There is a huge ROI.”

— Ashley C.

“This is the best decision
I ever made."

— H.E.R. Client

What’s the difference between Solaria and Golden Goddess?

Solaria is a deep, delicious journey into the Waters of the Sacred Feminine, and the Wisdom She wants to pour into you. We return to ourselves here, we return to our Wise Woman, we return to our Joy, we return to our Ancient Remembrance of everything the Feminine has been leaving us breadcrumbs to find — through Embodiment Practices, Activations, Somatic experiencing, and coaching and Shamanic Journeying.

Golden Goddess is the annual Sacred Feminine Mystery School, Mastermind + Destiny Accelerator.
She is, in truth, a Portal into your Sacred Destiny and a beautiful Return to everything your Soul came here to have, do, be and experience.
She has the deepest teachings, tools and transmissions I offer, and the deepest immersion into the Feminine Mysteries and your Creator Power.
In Golden Goddess, we work with not just the Sacred Feminine, not just the Polarity between the Feminine and Masculine — but go much deeper into the Archetypal Trinity:
The Feminine, the Masculine, and the Creator Archetype / Primordial Feminine / Zero Point.

This journey is a total Frequency and Paradigm shift — for your entire life, relationship, business and Spiritual journey.

While women at any phase of their journey join both of these spaces — if you’re quite stuck, or quite new to the Feminine Energetics, or if you simply want to wade in a little more slowly, H.E.R. Tier 1 (Sanctuary) or Tier 2 (Spiral) is a gorgeous, gorgeous way in…

Read a little bit more about the various journeys to feel into which one is the best journey for you here…


Can I change into another level once I’m inside?


You can always move UP in levels / Tiers inside of H.E.R., at any time.

If you join the Sanctuary level, and find you desire More — you can join the Spiral level at any time.

If you join the Sanctuary or Spiral level, and desire the depth, intimacy and powerful Shamanic experiencing of Solaria — you can join any time a space is available. (I will be letting H.E.R. members know about any new spots first. So if you’re already inside, you’ll get first dibs.)

You can also move DOWN into lighter levels / Tiers of H.E.R. once your current H.E.R. journey is complete. — the Solaria and Spiral levels require 12-month commitment due to its Depth and Intimacy.

What is your refund and cancellation policy?

The Solaria and Spiral levels require a Devotion and commitment for 12 months, and you will be asked to agree to these terms once inside before you access any of our content.

Should extenuating circumstances arise, I’m always available for a conversation so we can see how we can get creative together and what we can arrange or change.
Commitments are honored here — but it is also a place of compassion, kindness and humanity, and we know Life can get… ‘life-y.’

You may cancel the Sanctuary level at any time with at least 7 days notice before your next payment runs.

Due to the nature of these offerings, there are no refunds of any payments made, for any levels.